Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The proper handling methods for the ghost pepper

This is the reason why you where gloves when deseeding ghost peppers all the red you see on the gloves above is what would be burning your hands.
So in this post i will be talking about the proper ways to handle the ghost pepper
1. where gloves
2.always wash your hands even after you take you gloves of
3.have some lime juice to dump on your hands if they are burning as its said to releave the burning
4.never rub any sensitive area like your eyes and so forth.
5.before you take your gloves off besure you are completely finished at what you are doing
6.some times double up on your gloves as the burn can still find its way in at times

"Keeping ghost pepper sprouts alive"

                                        "KEEPING GHOST PEPPER SPROUTS ALIVE"
One of the best way's to keep ghost pepper sprouts alive is proper fertilizer mix being that they are small plants if you over do it with nutrients there more acceptable to stress which may cause them to die off.
Make sure you have your micro-nutrients to develop a strong root system,because when your sprout have a develop root system it's off to the races "your doing good".But remember you dont want a too high of a level of nitrogen as it might cause a leaf burn on new growth which is not good.start using a all purpose fertilizer along with micro-nutrient's.
proper levels (5-10-5 or 10-10-10.) adjust during fruit development to a higher phosphorus and potassium.
Soil pH should be 6.5
Ghost peppers
are usually considered to be a self-pollinating crop, however within species it will readily cross-pollinate.
If you're planning to save seed's take measures to protect your plants from cross-pollination.
i suggest a mycorrhizae endo/ecto blend which is scientifically proven to produce a huge root zone here is the benefits it can be used with any soil or media enhance organic fertilizers.this special granular form mycorrhizal blend can absorb organic forms of nutrients and promote green leaf growth,fruit and flower production while increasing drought and insect resistance.mycorrhizae fungus have been called the orchestrators of the root zone as they create a network around fine feeder roots that absorb nutrients and minerals.  
                          click here at www.ghostpepperfarms.com for your ghost pepper needs.